Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cookie Brownies - By Popular Demand

Cookie Brownies

So a week or so ago, for a co-workers last day (we miss you Wade!), I decided to get baking to show how much he'd be missed. I purused the various websites I frequent but was looking for something that wouldn't take too long because I knew I'd be short on time. I still like to do things that are a little original though - and that's when I found these!

Here's the link:

The plusses about this recipe are MANY!

1. They stem from 2 different box mixes - well a box and a bag, but still, close enough! It's always easier when you're starting a recipe from a box - at least in my opinion. Semi-homemade ALLLLL the way! Seriously though, any recipe that says: 1. Make the brownies as directed on the box, 2. Make the cookies as directed on the box - ok those directions I can handle :)

2. There are endless possibilities as far as what kind of cookie to put in there (and probably what brownie too for that matter). I abided by the recipe because well, the dude abides. However while they were baking in the oven, I was thinking of all the other good cookies that could stem from this recipe - including but not limited to - peanut butter cookies (this is my favorite idea), snickerdoodles (or the molasses sugar cookies that Zack and I make), maybe even sugar cookies - I mean shoot, just look in that section of the bag cookie mixes! The possibilities are endless!

3. One thing I definitely want to do the next time I make these though, is add some nuts. Walnuts + Brownies is an epic combination. I know there are those that disagree with me on that - but... well... you're idiots... and probably yankee fans. Everyone likes walnuts on their brownies. I chickened out though when I made the brownies because I wasn't sure Wade would like them and I was looking for a crowd pleaser.

4. I didn't put icing on the brownies. I'm not much on icing on brownies. Although I will say that had I added nuts, I would've added the icing. I was worried mostly about the easiness of taking these into work so I didn't put it on there, but seriously, when does it ever hurt to add icing to something??? Honestly!

The most important thing about this great recipe though, is that while you can buy a pre-made cookie brownie that you could just pop in the oven, this recipe doesn't take too much longer and the results are infinitely better!

So hopefully you will see this and get the urge to take out that mixer and make some delicious cookie brownies. There are so many possibilities to make this delicious, even by just sticking the the recipe I've attached. Enjoy! And let me know if you try anything fun and different! I'm always interested to know :)

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